
She had worked hard for an education during a time it was a hard won prize for African Americans.  When Nannie Helen Burroughs finished school and applied for teaching positions in the system that educated her, she was refused because of the color of her skin.  Her dark brown skin would relegate her to jobs as domestic servants.

She was determined to not let that happen. She set out for a life where she could teach and help other women in her place have a different future. Her determination changed lives.


This month the word is Determination. It means a firmness pf purpose; resoluteness. This process of establishing something exactly by calculation or research. In order to accomplish some things one has to be determined.


Curiosity is the thing that allows me to explore the world around me. It sends me in different directions allowing my art to experience the world in different ways. This past year I have explored new avenues of storytelling.

Jones was an artist, teacher, folk dancer, basketball coach and much more.


The word curiosity is not often used in a positive way. Maybe because questioning or searching for something doesn’t always bring positive vibes.

Lois Mailou Jones took classes throughout her lifetime. She spent her life learning new things and growing as an artist. She probably spent a lot of time asking questions and seeking new information.

The results. Her work.


A guiding principle in Truth’s life was courage.

She made choices throughout her life that reflected her
courage in life as she did not defer to danger or pain. She did not shrink back
but approached it with full force.

She is an example for me of what courageous looks like.


Sometimes being courageous comes when you are at the point where you just can’t take the circumstances anymore. Several times in her life, Sojourner Truth found herself in a place where she made a choice that others would not make.

Sometimes courage is being scared but doing the right thing.


If courageous was a person, Sojourner Truth would be it. She was born enslaved but spent her life fighting for freedom and truth. She faced hard situations but met them with a type of courage that doesn’t happen often.

She freed herself and young child. She went to court to fight for her son’s freedom. After slavery was over, she fought for equal rights for former slaves and women. She was not deterred by the danger or the pain.